Welcome to V-Teracare

V-Teracare Active


Deep Penetration: Terahertz frequencies penetrate deep into the skin, enhancing blood circulation, alleviating body and joint pain, revitalizing dormant cells, and clearing meridian and lymph points.

Activation: Terahertz waves stimulate the body’s innate healing processes and invigorate healthy cells and tissues.

Safety: Terahertz frequencies resonate with the natural energy of the human body and its cells, ensuring safety for users of all ages, including children, adults, and the elderly.

Water Charging: The device charges water molecules with negative ions, purifying them and rendering the water safe for consumption.


How to Use:

V-TeraCare Active offers 3 modes:


  1. High-Intensity Mode: Emits high-intensity air with heat and terahertz frequency.
  2. Low-Intensity Mode: Emits low-intensity air with heat and terahertz frequency.
  3. Heat and Frequency Mode: Emits heat and terahertz frequency without air blowing.


Enhances blood circulation

Activates dormant cells and tissues

Improves sleep cycle and quality of sleep

Provides effective pain relief

Unblocks meridians and stimulates acupuncture points

Increases the body’s self-healing ability

Regulates glands function

Purifies water by infusing it with negative ions

Promotes detoxification processes in the body

Boosts immune system function

Enhances overall vitality and well-being

The Power of 3-in-1 Technology

Terahertz: Cellular Harmony

Terahertz, resonating with human cells, activates optimal cellular function through millions of vibrations per second, promoting a healthy body.

Scalar Wave: Cellular Energizer

Generating Scalar Wave Energy, our product revitalizes cells, balances systems strengthens the body, and fosters healing energy that penetrates deep into vital organs.

Optical Quartz: Energy Amplifier

Harnessing the power of Optical Quartz, our device magnifies generated energy, delivering a potent outcome. It mimics 1/40 of sunlight’s UV energy, reinforcing auric fields for overall well-being.


Before using the device, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of warm water.

Hold the device approximately 6 inches away from the body and direct it towards the desired area.

Operate the device in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction for 2-3 minutes on each part of the body.

For optimal results, limit each session to a maximum of 45 minutes.

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