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Teroma International Pvt Ltd Khagaul, Near Danapur Railway Station, Patna, Bihar 801105

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Asked Questions

 V-TeraCare is generally safe for adults. However, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are taking other medications.

Individual results may vary, but most people experience noticeable improvements within several weeks of consistent use.

Terahertz Wave is very safe to use by humans, animals and even plants. One characteristic of Terahertz Wave is that its non ionizing, meaning it does not damage the tissues and does not alter DNA (unlike Xrays). Terahertz is also zero radiation. Did you know that the normal hair blower produce more harmful radiation, the electric water kettle, extension cords and our well loved cellphones. There are many videos of V-teracare Devices subjected to various EMF testers and it shows zero.

Studies show the use of low-frequency devices like V-TeraCare are safe for personal use. Terahertz devices are non-ionizing and do not steal electrons, molecules, or tissues from our bodies.


DO NOT use if:

Pregnant women

During menstruation

People with very acute diseases that may worsen with any kind of treatment

People with congenital heart disease where they have implants or stents.

People wearing contact lenses during treatment

You can purchase V-TeraCare directly from our website or Direct Message On WhatsApp.

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